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PyTorch implementation of CommNet

Communication Neural Network (CommNet)


[Paper pdf]

[original Torch impl]

Ported to PyTorch from Torch. This network enables neural network based agents to communicate for cooperation.


To train the network


Levers Task

Each agent must pull a different lever after 2 communication passes. Since the agents have to cooperate, levers game is a sanity check for the implementation.



The weights file included in this repo is trained on the first 5 agents out of a pool of 10 models.


opts = {
    # model-related options
    'model': 'mlp',             # mlp | lstm | rnn, (apparently `mlp == rnn` ?)
    'hidsz': HIDSZ,             # the size of the internal state vector
    'nonlin': 'relu',           # relu | tanh | none
    'init_std': 0.2,            # STD of initial weights
    'init_hid': 0.1,            # weight of initial hidden
    # unshare_hops
    'encoder_lut': False,       # use LookupTable in encoder instead of Linear [False]
    # encoder_lut_size

    # comm-related options
    'comm_mode': 'avg',         # operation on incoming communication: avg | sum [avg]
    'comm_scale_div': 1,        # divide comm vectors by this [1]
    'comm_encoder': 1,          # encode incoming comm: 0=identity | 1=linear [0]
    'comm_decoder': 1,          # decode outgoing comm: 0=identity | 1=linear | 2=nonlin [1]
    'comm_zero_init': True,     # initialize comm weights to zero
    # comm_range
    'nactions_comm': 0,         # enable discrete communication when larger than 1 [1]
    # TODO: implement discrete comm
    # dcomm_entropy_cost
    'fully_connected': True,    # basically, all agent can talk to all agent

    # game releated
    'nmodels': N_MODELS,        # the number of models in LookupTable
    'nagents': N_AGENTS,        # the number of agents to look up
    'nactions': N_LEVERS,       # the number of agent actions

    # training
    'optim': 'rmsprop',             # optimization method: rmsprop | sgd | adam [rmsprop]
    'lrate': 1e-3,              # learning rate [0.001]
    # 'max_grad_norm':            # gradient clip value [0]
    # 'clip_grad':                # gradient clip value [0]
    # 'alpha':                    # coefficient of baseline term in the cost function [0.03]
    # 'epochs':                   # the number of training epochs [100]
    'batch_size': BATCH_SIZE,   # size of mini-batch (the number of parallel games) in each thread [16]
    # 'nworker':                  # the number of threads used for training [18]
    'reward_mult': 1,            # coeff to multiply reward for bprop [1]

    # optimizer options
    'momentum': 0,              # momentum for SGD [0]
    'wdecay': 0,                # weight decay [0]
    'rmsprop_alpha': 0.99,      # parameter of RMSProp [0.97]
    'rmsprop_eps': 1e-6,        # parameter of RMSProp [1e-06]
    'adam_beta1': 0.9,          # parameter of Adam [0.9]
    'adam_beta2': 0.999,        # parameter of Adam [0.999]
    'adam_eps': 1e-8,           # parameter of Adam [1e-08]

actor = CommNet(opts)


  • [x] Implement LSTM module

  • [x] 'comm_mode': 'avg' is broken

  • [ ] Implement discrete communication through action

  • [x] Hyperparameter tuning