This what I'm gonna make next. https://whitedome.com.au/re4son/sticky-fingers-kali-pi/
I'm the wrong person to ask man. I don't trust backups and always felt like i was gonna mess it up trying to back it up Please share any tips...
Check this out. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B010O1G1ES/ref=sspa_mw_detail_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Little hack buddy
Forgot , you should enable developer tools and enable the advanced reboot options. Also in settings you have a lot of customizations available from AICP Extras.
There is a known issue of the device rebooting when network devices like external usb wifi is disconnected from the device. For example. I plug in my atheros usb injection...
I agree. Wireshark being of equal importance. I will see what I can do. Thank you for continuing to help QA.
@naturalstate If you don't mind, may you review: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/69180/nmap-crashing-embedded-system-in-strange-way Please attempt a few of the examples to verify if any nmap command causes the reboot or if its certain nmap...
@naturalstate If you are using `nmap -v` this may also be the reason why it crashes: https://github.com/nmap/nmap/issues/1112
Thank you. Ill try a few things. Also am testing the various Google Play and Services APKs so you can use the store
Verified Nmap reboot issue. I used the Nethunter option Nmap Scan. I think I also have a proper Google Services APK if you want to be able to use the...