Automatic-Exposure-Correction copied to clipboard
This repository contains the code for improving images acquired through non-optimal exposure using various methods proposed in literature.
This repository contains the code for the following problem statement.
Problem Statement
Improving Images acquired through non-optimal exposure
- Part A: This part contains drone images captured with varying exposure settings, including one image taken in dim light.
- Part B: This part contains images of Kodak Dataset.
- Histogram Equalisation
- Bi-Histogram based Histogram Equalisation [Paper]
- Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalisation [Paper]
- Gamma Transformation [Paper]
- Adaptive Gamma Transformation [Paper]
- Weighted Adaptive Gamma Transformation [Paper]
- Improved Adaptive Gamma Transformation [Paper]
- Adaptive non-linear Stretching [Paper]
Quality Measures
- Brisque
- Linux or Windows
Repository Usage
- Clone this repository
git clone
- To test the result using any approach:
i. cd Root/Source/
ii. open the file corresponding to that approach.
iii. Set variable 'D' to one of the following.
D = '../Dataset/Part A'
D = '../Dataset/Part B'
iv. Set variable S to image name. Example to test result on Part B, IMG_11:
S = fullfile(pwd, D, 'IMG_11.png');
Using Improved Adaptive Gamma Correction
Input(Dataset/Part B/IMG_11):
- R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Prentice Hall, vol. 3rd edition.
- Yeong-Taeg Kim. 1997. Contrast enhancement using brightness preserving bi-histogram equalization. IEEE Trans. on Consum. Electron. 43, 1 (February 1997), 1-8.
- Zuiderveld, Karel. “Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization.” Graphic Gems IV. San Diego: Academic Press Professional, 1994. 474–485.
- Shih-Chia Huang, Fan-Chieh Cheng, and Yi-Sheng Chiu. 2013. Efficient Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptive Gamma Correction With Weighting Distribution. Trans. Img. Proc. 22, 3 (March 2013), 1032-1041.
- Gang Cao, Lihui Huang, Huawei Tian, Xianglin Huang, Yongbin Wang, and Ruicong Zhi. 2018. Contrast enhancement of brightness-distorted images by improved adaptive gamma correction. Comput. Electr. Eng. 66, C (February 2018).
- G. Messina, A. Castorina, S. Battiato and A. Bosco, "Image quality improvement by adaptive exposure correction techniques," 2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME '03. Proceedings.
- Mittal, A., A. K. Moorthy, and A. C. Bovik. "No-Reference Image Quality Assessment in the Spatial Domain." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. Vol. 21, Number 12, December 2012, pp. 4695–4708.
- Mittal, A., R. Soundararajan, and A. C. Bovik. "Making a Completely Blind Image Quality Analyzer." IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Vol. 22, Number 3, March 2013, pp. 209–212.
- N. Venkatanath, D. Praneeth, Bh. M. Chandrasekhar, S. S. Channappayya, and S. S. Medasani. "Blind Image Quality Evaluation Using Perception Based Features", In Proceedings of the 21st National Conference on Communications (NCC). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2015.
- S. Yelmanov, Y. Romanyshyn, “Image contrast enhancement in automatic mode by nonlinear stretching”, In: Proc. 2018 XIV-th International Conference on Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design (MEMSTECH), 2018, pp. 104–108.