sh3proxy copied to clipboard
sh3proxy is a d3d8 wrapper for Silent Hill 3. Similarly to, it provides some fixes for the game:
- Setting arbitrary video mode without conflict with the game's settings
- Setting arbitrary horizontal FOV (field-of-view) angle
- The engine no longer relies on resource paths in Windows registry
- The engine no longer re-creates savedata/disp.ini
- Savedata path can be overriden
- Silent Hill 2 references can be unlocked without having to complete the game
- Safe mode warnings are disabled
- Fixes white border around game window on Windows
- Using borderless window mode
- Disabling Depth of Field effect
- Setting custom Depth of Field effect resolution
- Disabling black borders during cutscenes
- Setting arbitrary shadow resolution
Copy d3d8.dll and sh3proxy.ini to Silent Hill 3 root directory. If needed, adjust settings in sh3proxy.ini.
Builds are available on releases page.
Set path to mingw in
. Run make
sh3proxy can also be built to wrap dinput8 instead of d3d8:
WRAP_DINPUT=1 make # -B if your previous target was different
- Fullscreen mode might not work at some resolutions
- sh3proxy relies on hardcoded memory addresses. This means it might not be compatible with your version of
. sh3proxy has only been tested withsh3.exe
CRC32 sum