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Asynchronous interface for peewee ORM powered by asyncio

Results 72 peewee-async issues
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hello when will the method appear "get_or_none" very useful item But why isn't she?

peewee `prefetch_add_subquery` support manual set target model ```py prefetch_queries=[] # old prefetch_queries=[(, Document)] # now support, manual set target model ```

I am encountering this exception (using high-level api) then my asyncio based daemon is idle (about 15 minutes or so), after that time, this exception occurs, I have tried to...

Will there be support SQLite?

Protection for the concurrently world

Added method `first()` as it has better performance with big tables comparing to `get()` method because it doesn't query all data from table Added method `get_or_none()` which is more useful...

The question is mostly for you @rudyryk Would you mind if i remove deprecated methods such **update_object**, **delete_object** etc? And one more question. I think we can drop support for...


add `create_on_conflict_ignore` and `create_on_conflict_replace` for mysql using peewee's details about the limitation :

When create_or_get tries to get the row that prevented it from creating. It does this by selecting on unique columns. However, in a composite key the individual columns are not...

This project was started to experiment with async ORM interface. Our dev team has been using this in several small to mid-scale projects in production. But actually we didn't have...
