n3dr copied to clipboard
Nexus3 Disaster Recovery (N3DR) is a tool that is capable of downloading all artifacts from a Nexus3 server and to migrate them to another one.
Backup or Migrate an entire Nexus Artifact Server
Download all artifacts at once or migrate automatically from Nexus to Nexus.
Although the Nexus backup and restore documentation indicates that one could backup and restore Nexus, the data seems not to be restored completely as 500 errors occur when an artifact is downloaded from the UI after restore. It could also be possible that some steps were not issued as they have should been. Apart from that, the restore is capable of restoring the Nexus configuration.
N3DR excludes the backup of group repositories and is able to backup all Maven2 and NPM repositories and migrate and/or restore Maven2 artifacts to another Nexus server.
Note: uploads to proxy and snapshot repositories are not supported by Nexus itself. As a workaround one could create a hosted repository in Nexus and upload the backed up proxy content to it.
The aims of the n3dr tool are:
- to backup all artifacts from a certain Nexus maven repository.
- to migrate all artifacts from NexusA to NexusB.
- configuration-as-code.
snap install n3dr
Check the downloaded artifacts:
sudo ls /tmp/snap.n3dr/tmp/n3dr/download<some number, e.g.: 082028764>
sudo cp -r /tmp/snap.n3dr/tmp/n3dr/download<some number, e.g.: 082028764> /home/${USER}/n3dr-backup
sudo chown $USER:$USER -R /home/${USER}/n3dr-backup
Get the darwin artifact from the releases tab.
choco install n3dr
N3DR download user
Create a user, e.g. n3dr-download in Nexus3, create a role, e.g. n3dr-download and assign the following roles:
N3DR upload user
In order to upload artifacts, additional privileges are required:
Check the help menu
user@computer:~/dev$ n3dr -h
N3DR is a tool that is able to download all artifacts from
a certain Nexus3 repository.
n3dr [command]
Available Commands:
backup Backup all artifacts from a Nexus3 repository
help Help about any command
repositories Count the number of repositories or return their names
upload Upload all artifacts to a specific Nexus3 repository
-v, --apiVersion string The Nexus3 APIVersion, e.g. v1 or beta
(default "v1")
-d, --debug Enable debug logging
-h, --help help for n3dr
--insecureSkipVerify Skip repository certificate check
-p, --n3drPass string The Nexus3 password
-n, --n3drURL string The Nexus3 URL
-u, --n3drUser string The Nexus3 user
-z, --zip Add downloaded artifacts to a ZIP archive
--directory-prefix string The directory prefix is the directory where
artifacts will be saved
Use "n3dr [command] --help" for more information about a command.
It is possible to load a custom CA to connect to Nexus3 if one created self-signed certificates, by using:
Note: store the ca.crt
in the ~/.n3dr
In order to download as a anonymous user, one has to use the --anonymous
n3dr configLDAP \
--configLDAPAuthPassword=a \
--configLDAPAuthUsername=b \
--configLDAPHost=c \
--configLDAPName=d \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
Create an admin user
n3dr configUser \
[email protected] \
--firstName=some-admin-user \
--lastName=some-admin-user \
--pass=some-admin-user \
--id=some-admin-user \
--admin \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
Create a downloadUser
n3dr configUser \
[email protected] \
--firstName=some-admin-user \
--lastName=some-admin-user \
--pass=some-admin-user \
--id=some-admin-user \
--downloadUser \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
Create a uploadUser
n3dr configUser \
[email protected] \
--firstName=some-admin-user \
--lastName=some-admin-user \
--pass=some-admin-user \
--id=some-admin-user \
--uploadUser \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
Change a user pass
n3dr configUser \
[email protected] \
--firstName=admin \
--lastName=admin \
--pass=some-other-admin-pass \
--id=admin \
--changePass \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
Delete a repository
n3dr configRepository \
--configRepoName some-repo-name \
--configRepoDelete \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
Create a repository
Hosted Raw
n3dr configRepository \
--configRepoName some-repo \
--configRepoType raw \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
Proxied Apt
n3dr configRepository \
--configRepoName some-apt-proxy-repo \
--configRepoType apt \
--configRepoRecipe proxy \
--configRepoProxyURL "http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
Proxied Yum
n3dr configRepository \
--configRepoName some-yum-proxy-repo \
--configRepoType yum \
--configRepoRecipe proxy \
--configRepoProxyURL "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/" \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
Anonymous access
n3dr config \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
n3dr config \
-p <admin-pass> \
-u <admin-user> \
-n=<FQDN-without-http://-or-https>:<port-if-applicable> \
docker build -t utrecht/n3dr:6.7.3 .
docker run -it \
-v /home/${USER}/.n3dr:/root/.n3dr \
-v /tmp/n3dr:/tmp/n3dr utrecht/n3dr:6.7.3
docker run -it \
--entrypoint=/bin/ash \
-v /home/${USER}/.n3dr:/root/.n3dr \
-v /tmp/n3dr:/tmp/n3dr utrecht/n3dr:6.7.3
navigate to the repository folder, e.g. /tmp/n3dr/download*/
and upload:
n3dr upload -r releases -n <url>
Note: if the snap package is used to upload artifacts, one has to ensure that
the folder resides in the /home/$USER folder. Otherwise a:
lstat <repository-name>: no such file or directory
issue could occur.
One could use --skipErrors
or -s
to continue-on-error:
n3dr upload -n some-nexus-url \
-r some-repository \
Store the password in a read-only file
Define the password in ~/.n3dr/config.yml
n3drPass: admin123
and set the permissions to read-write by issuing:
chmod 0600 ~/.n3dr/config.yml
Note: other variables like n3drURL
and n3drUser
could also be added to the
config file and one could use --config
to overwrite the default config path.
Backup artifacts from a certain repository
All artifacts from a repository will be stored in a download folder when the following command is run:
n3dr backup -u admin -n http://localhost:8081 -r maven-releases
Backup artifacts from a repositories list
All artifacts from a repositories list will be stored in a download folder when the following command is run:
n3dr backup -u admin -n http://localhost:8081 -r maven-releases,maven-private
Backup all repositories
All artifacts from various repositories will be stored in a download folder when the following command is issued:
n3dr repositories -u admin -n http://localhost:8081 -b
Note: a new folder will be created for every repository:
- download/maven-public
- download/maven-releases
Backup only certain artifacts
It is possible to only download artifacts that match a regular expression. If one would like to download all artifacts from 'some/group42' then one could do that as follows:
n3dr backup -u admin -n http://localhost:8081 -r maven-releases -x 'some/group42'
If one would like to deploy is while download from all repositories then use
the -x
option as well:
n3dr repositories -u admin -n http://localhost:8081 -b -x 'some/group42'
Add all downloaded archives to a ZIP archive
In order to add all archives to a zip archive, one has to use the --zip or -z flag.
If one would like to overwrite the default zip file name, then one has to use
the -i
option. Note: the extension '.zip' is obliged.
Upload all artifacts to a certain repository
It is possible to upload all JARs that reside in a folder by running the following command:
n3dr upload -u admin -n http://localhost:8081 -r maven-public
Upload non maven files
It is possible to upload non maven files like deb files as well by setting the
artifactType option to the repository type, e.g. -t=apt
. Note that the folder
name that contains the files should match the repository name.
"Clone" a Nexus3 repository
Suppose that one has created a new Nexus3 repository, e.g. NexusNEW and that one would like to copy the content of the old repository, e.g. NexusOLD, then these basic steps could be issued to "clone" NexusOLD:
n3dr backup -u <old-nexus3-user> -n <old-nexus3-server-url> \
-r <old-repo-source-name>
cd download
mv <old-repo-source-name> <new-repo-target-name>
n3dr upload -u <new-target-nexus3-user> -n <new-target-nexus3-server-url> \
-r <new-repo-target-name>
Backup to OCI Object Storage
supports backing up to OCI Object Storage.
To enable this option you need to
- Configure OCI environment and secrets locally: https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm/
- Add following options to
ociBucket: nexus_dev_archives
If you want to remove local copies (after the object has been uploaded), add
following to ~/.n3dr/config.yml
removeLocalFile: true
Backup NPM repositories
Use the --npm
parameter to backup NPM artifacts.
go run main.go backup -npm -n some-url -r some-npm-repo -d --npm
If you want to change the logo, just edit
and rebuild with
go build
Rationale for N3DR
Although there is a number of equivalent tools:
- https://github.com/RiotGamesMinions/nexus_cli/
- https://github.com/packagemgmt/repositorytools/
- https://github.com/thiagofigueiro/nexus3-cli/
None of them seems to be able to backup all repositories by running a single command.
type | backup | upload | label |
apt | x | ||
maven2 | x | x | + |
npm | x | x | * |
nuget | x |
type | backup | upload | label |
apt | x | x | ^ |
bower | |||
cocoapods | |||
composer | |||
conan | |||
conda | |||
cpan | |||
docker | x | x | `` |
elpa | |||
gitlfs | |||
go | |||
helm | |||
maven2 | x | x | + |
npm | x | x | * |
nuget | x | x | $ |
p2 | |||
pypi | |||
r | |||
raw | x | x | % |
rubygems | |||
yum | x | x | # |
unknown | x | x | ? |
command in conjunction with the --backup
subcommand ensures
that all artifacts are downloaded from Nexus3 and stored in a folder that is
defined with the --directory-prefix
n3dr repositoriesV2 \
--backup \
-n some-url \
-u some-user \
-p some-pass \
--directory-prefix /tmp/some-dir
n3dr repositoriesV2 \
--upload \
-n some-url \
-u some-user \
-p some-pass \
--directory-prefix /tmp/some-dir
n3dr sync \
--otherNexus3Passwords=some-pass-B,some-pass-C \
--otherNexus3Users=admin,admin \
--otherNexus3URLs=localhost:9998,localhost:9997 \
--directory-prefix /some/dir \
-p some-pass-A \
-n localhost:9999 \
-u admin
Note: use --https=false
in order to connect to a http://nexus-url/.
Stargazers over time
- docs
Integration testing on Windows
packer init build/packer/windows2016.json.pkr.hcl
PACKER_LOG=1 packer build build/packer/windows2016.json.pkr.hcl
vagrant box add virtualbox_windows2016.box --name win2016/n3dr
vagrant box list
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload vagrant-windows-update
export VAGRANT_N3DR_NETWORK_ADAPTER=$(vboxmanage list bridgedifs |\
grep Name: | head -1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
vagrant provision nexus3
vagrant destroy -f
vagrant ssh nexus3
Login as vagrant
with pass vagrant
and issue:
cd C:\vagrant
.\cmd\n3dr\n3dr.exe backup -r maven-releases -n \
-u admin -p some-password
.\cmd\n3dr\n3dr.exe upload -r maven-releases -n \
-u admin -p some-password
To check whether it is possible to upload artifacts to Nexus3 from Windows using N3DR.