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✔️ Detoxiom is an Open source Android app that makes social media detox easy with some simple gamifacation mathods.
Detoxiom is an Open source Android app that makes social media detox easy with some simple gamification methods.
Language of the App is Farsi and if you look at this repo there is a high chance that your first language is the same.
Well, the good news is I wrote a LONG blog post about the production here, in Farsi :).
Detoxiom can make a widget that seems look like any of your apps, and when you click on it, instead of those time waster apps Detoxiom will open.
Then you can try your chance of achieving a quote. It's a mini-game and makes the detox easier. I wrote a lot about gamification in Detxiom in the above post but you can seek more info in this life-changing book and also this one.
I used Dagger 2 for dependency injection and Butterknife for view injection. (@GodBless JakeWharton)
and I used RxJava, RxAndroid and RxBinding libraries for "reactive programming".
Retrofit for networking
Room ORM for database(taste like sugar ;))
Lottie for animations
Also, I used MVP pattern for Detoxiom. Maybe you find it a little weird because I create a new Interactor for every fragment and it seems anti-pattern. Honestly, I'm feeling more comfortable in this way but I will try to find(or create) better solutions for MV* in Android.
I'm a lazy guy, I didn't write tests for Detoxiom and there is no CI process. If you send a pull request Please make sure your patch will work correctly and app will not crash at least. Any kind of contribution will be appreciated. :heart: (specially typos :) ).
You can get it from cafebazaar or directly here