figma2react icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
figma2react copied to clipboard


Convert figma components in to react components


  npm install -g figma2react

create CRA application

  create-react-app test-figma2react

you can use any name

create the configuration file in the root of the project

  cd test-figma2react
  touch .figma2react

insert your configuration


    "projectId": <id of your project>,
    "token": <your figma developer token>,
    "directory": <path to destination directory ("./src/components" by default)>,
    "types": <array of types that will be generated. only ts is supported. empty by default>

you can findout how to get your token here

if you wanna test it out just use the test project, projectId: "eYk3d4ngtHUXkg82atfuJP"

generate your components

inside your CRA project

  figma2react generate

watch for changes in the figma project and generate the components

  figma2react watch
Marcell Monteiro Cruz - 2018